Monitor, Analyze, and Improve your Remix apps

Get analytics data of your Remix projects from top to bottom. With Metronome, an open-source analytics tool, you can easily see how your projects are performing and how they are growing.

App screenshot

All-in-one platform

Web Analytics
Traffic & User Insights. Elevate your site's performance with advanced analytics on user behavior, traffic patterns, and engagement metrics. Optimize user interaction for increased effectiveness.
Web Vitals
Ensure a high-quality user experience by monitoring key web vitals. Track load time, interactivity, and visual stability to keep your site fast and engaging.
Routing monitoring (coming soon)
Gain detailed insights into your site’s navigation with our Routes feature. Analyze performance metrics, error tracking, and user actions to optimize web routes.
Errors (coming soon)
Rapidly identify and resolve web errors. Our real-time tracking system provides alerts and detailed reports, ensuring your Remix app reliability and uptime.
Lighthouse (coming soon)
Enhance your site with integrated Google Lighthouse audits. Get actionable insights on SEO, accessibility, and best practices to improve speed and ranking.
Privacy first
We care about your privacy. We do not collect any personal data or track your users. We only collect anonymous data to help you improve your site.

Metronome is a great tool for understanding how my app is performing. I can see all my requests, loaders, and action calls with performance metrics. It's awesome.

Kent C. Dodds
Software Engineer, Educator and the creator of


Start monitoring your Remix app today.

Start small and scale up as your app traffic grows. All plans include a 30-day free trial.


Coming soon


  • Unlimited projects
  • Retention up to 1 year
  • Real-Time Analytics Dashboard
  • Web Analytics
  • Web Vitals
  • Routing monitoring (coming soon)
  • Errors (coming soon)
  • Lighthouse (coming soon)


Coming soon