What is collected

We take privacy very seriously and can be used even in GDPR regions. The recording is anonymous and is not stored in a way that we can trace back to identify any user.

A note on the User Agent and IP

We do not store the IP or User Agent in a way that we can trace back to identify any user. We use the IP to get the country of the user and the User Agent to get the browser and operating system of the user.

User Web Vitals

User AgentThe user agent of the browser
Device TypeThe type of device
Network SpeedThe network speed of the device
IPThe user's ip
BrowserThe browser of the device
OSThe operating system of the device
TimestampThe timestamp when the request happened
Web vitalsThe web vitals of the served document

User Web Analytics

User AgentThe user agent of the browser
Device TypeThe type of device
Network SpeedThe network speed of the device
IPThe user's ip
BrowserThe browser of the device
OSThe operating system of the device
TimestampThe timestamp when the request happened
Referrer URLThe referrer URL of the request

Requests, Actions and Loaders

RouteThe Remix route of the request
ErrorsThe error messages that happened during the request
DurationThe duration of the request
IPThe user's ip
BrowserThe browser of the device
OSThe operating system of the device
TimestampThe timestamp when the request happened
If you have any other questions or want more information, please reach out to us. You can find our contact information on the suupport section.